Music Together® is an internationally renowned early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age four—and the grownups who love them®! Our classes help little ones develop their innate musicality—and much, much more. A curriculum with decades of research behind it, in both music education and child development, ensures your child’s learning in the best possible way. Children have fun singing, dancing, and playing instruments in class, and parents enjoy new music to download each semester so they can jam at home and in the car!
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Canta y Baila Conmigo is an exciting class combining music learning with language immersion, for children birth-age 4 and their caregivers! Intended for Spanish speakers, and enthusiastic learners alike, this program is a joy for all as we celebrate the rich musical heritage of music from Spanish-speaking cultures. New music to download each semester of catchy songs from Cuba, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, and more, make learning Spanish a breeze!
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Discover the GroovyBabyMusic Difference
Award-Winning Fun:
45-Minute Classes:
Certified Teachers:
Pro Musicians:
Take-Home Goodies:
Instrument Set:
Interactive Props:
Jam Sessions:
Endless Options:
Accessibility for All:

Indoor Classes
Outdoor Classes
Online Classes
$250 per family for 9 weeks of 30 minute Zoom classes
3-week Sessions
$85 for 3 weeks of 45-minute classes