We’ve selected high-quality instruments from respected brands to enhance musical play in class and at home! These instruments are each integrated into our developmentally-appropriate lesson plans, so your child can explore, experiment, and improvise each week to get the most out of their learning. The instruments in our set are durable and kid-safe, so that you can keep on rockin’ for semesters to come! It's a great gift to spark your child's musical interest, or better yet, as the perfect supplement when you join a class led by one of our exceptional teachers. Multiples of the instruments are included in our set so you can enjoy playing WITH your child to continue encouraging their music learning and overall development!
3 Shaker Eggs 2 Pairs of 10-inch Rhythm Sticks 2 Silk Rainbow Scarves in Mesh Protective Pouch 2 Resonator Bells and 2 Mallets (One D & One A) 2 Tambourines 1 Remo Rhythm Club Double Bongo 4 Velcro Jingle Bells 1 Drawstring Bag